Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts


Karl Marx


Karl Marx

Karl Heinrich Marx
(5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883)

was a German-Jewish philosopher, economist, sociologist, historian, journalist, and revolutionary socialist. His ideas played a significant role in the development of social science and the socialist political movement. He published various books during his lifetime, with the most notable being
The Communist Manifesto (1848) and
Capital (1867–1894);
some of his works were co-written with his friend, the fellow German revolutionary socialist Friedrich Engels.

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Capital, Volume I (1867),
by Karl Marx,

is a critical analysis of capitalism as political economy, meant to reveal the economic laws of the capitalist mode of production, how it was the precursor of the socialist mode of production, and of the class struggle rooted in the capitalist social relations of production. The first of three volumes of Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Ökonomie (Capital: Critique of Political Economy) was published on 14 September 1867, and was the sole volume published in Marx's lifetime.
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. Karl Marx .



Haiku and Senryu

in the bank locker
my legacy to my daughter -
Marx's Das Kapital

mid-life crisis--
I settle on
Marx's Das Kapital

Manu Kant
Joys of Japan, February 2012

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***** Personal Names used in Haiku - Introduction 




Christa Wolf




Christa Wolf

(* 18. März 1929 in Landsberg an der Warthe
als Christa Ihlenfeld;
† 1. Dezember 2011 in Berlin)

deutsche Schriftstellerin.

Christa Wolf wurde 1929 als Tochter des Kaufmanns Otto Ihlenfeld in Landsberg an der Warthe, heute Gorzów Wielkopolski, Polen, geboren. Sie besuchte dort bis kurz vor Kriegsende die Schule. Nach der Flucht vor den anrückenden sowjetischen Truppen fand die Familie 1945 vorerst in Mecklenburg eine neue Heimat. Wolf arbeitete als Schreibhilfe beim Bürgermeister des Dorfes Gammelin bei Schwerin. Sie beendete die Oberschule 1949 mit dem Abitur in Bad Frankenhausen und trat im selben Jahr in die SED ein, deren Mitglied sie bis zu ihrem Austritt im Juni 1989 blieb. Von 1949 bis 1953 studierte sie Germanistik in Jena und Leipzig, unter anderem bei Hans Mayer.

Anfang der 1990er Jahre wurde bekannt, dass Wolf von 1959 bis 1962 als „IM Margarete“ beim Ministerium für Staatssicherheit der DDR geführt worden war. Sie hatte drei Berichte verfasst, die allerdings ein ausschließlich positives Bild der betroffenen Personen zeichneten. Entsprechend beklagte die Stasi in internen Aufzeichnungen von 1962 Wolfs „Zurückhaltung“ in der Zusammenarbeit und begann nunmehr, die Autorin selbst umfangreich zu überwachen – ein Zustand, der bis zum Ende der DDR anhielt. Auf die Frage, warum sie trotzdem in der DDR geblieben sei, antwortete sie, dass ihre Leser sie dort gebraucht hätten.

... Im Jahr 1951 heiratete sie den Schriftsteller Gerhard Wolf. Ein Jahr später wurde ihre erste Tochter Annette geboren, vier Jahre danach die zweite Tochter.

Christa Wolf starb am 1. Dezember 2011 nach schwerer Krankheit, wie ihr Verlag Suhrkamp mitteilte.
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. Christa Wolf


Haiku and Senryu

slanted moonlight
on The Quest for Christa T. ...
wailing siren

Chen-ou Liu

Christa Wolf was one of Germany's most influential postwar writers,ツ and her works have chronicled life in the former East Germany. She built her literary reputation with Divided Heaven, and The Quest for Christa T. successfully explored the tension between the harsh demands of society and the unquenchable desire of the protagonist for individuality.

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***** Personal Names used in Haiku

. Chen-ou Liu in the GERMAN SAIJIKI  




Sebald Winfried Georg




W. G. Sebald

18 May 1944, Wertach im Allgäu – 14 December 2001, Norfolk, England

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W. G. (Winfried Georg) Maximilian Sebald
was a German writer and academic, highly regarded by literary critics as one of the greatest authors since the Second World War and frequently being nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. In his 2007 interview, Horace Engdahl, former secretary of the Swedish Academy, mentioned that Sebald would have been a worthy laureate.
Generally speaking, his novels deal mainly with the issues regarding memory, both personal and collective.
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. W. G. Sebald


Haiku and Senryu

Chen-ou Liu

reading Sebald at dusk
am I real or fiction
in his eyes?

My haiku alludes to the key ideas explored in the following two passages from Sebald’s final novel entitled Austerlitz, known for
“the lack of paragraphing, a digressive style, the blending of fact and fiction, and the inclusion of a set of mysterious and evocative photographs, scattered throughout the book:”

"How happily, said Austerlitz, have I sat over a book in the deepening twilight until I could no longer make out the words and my mind began to wander, and how secure have I felt seated at the desk in my house in the dark night, just watching the tip of my pencil in the lamplight following its shadow, as if of its own accord and with perfect fidelity, while that shadow moved regularly from left to right, line by line, over the ruled paper."

"It does not seem to me, Austerlitz added, that we understand the laws governing the return of the past, but I feel more and more as if time did not exist at all, only various spaces interlocking according to the rules of a higher form of stereometry, between which the living and the dead can move back and forth as they like, and the longer I think about it the more it seems to me that we who are still alive are unreal in the eyes of the dead, that only occasionally, in certain lights and atmospheric conditions, do we appear in their field of vision."

For further information, please read the Wikipedia entry entitled Austerlitz.

twilight deepens ...
all those black-and-white photos
in Austerlitz

Austerlitz, the last novel by W. G. Sebald, is often regarded as “one of the most significant German language works of fiction for the period since the Second World War.” It’s known for its “curious and wide-ranging mixture of fact (or apparent fact), recollection and fiction, often punctuated by indistinct black-and-white photographs set in evocative counterpoint to the narrative rather than illustrating it directly.”

These black-and-white photos inserted in the text read like those on newspaper pages, and artistically speaking, they are an integral part of the novel, mainly used to produce unsettling effects, especially when viewed in the context and themes of the surrounding passages.

Austerlitz is the final novel of W. G. Sebald, published in 2001.
It is one of the most significant German language works of fiction for the period since the Second World War.
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reading For Years Now...
the whistling sound from afar
breaks this moonless night

page after page I see those
peering eyes in words

Although best known as one of the exemplary novelists of the late 20th century, W. G. Sebald also wrote poetry. For Years Now is a book of 23 poems with images provided by visual artist, Tess Jaray. Unrecounted is a book of 33 poems juxtaposed with Jan Peter Tripp's thirty-three lithographs, which could pass for black-and-white photographs of the human eyes. The whole book is viewed by literary critic Andrea Köhler as a poem of gazes.

The poems in both book are extremely short, haiku-like -- as few as five words (including the title that is constantly utilized as the first line of the poem), rarely more than fifteen words -- micropoems, Sebald called them, writes translator Michael Hamburger.

In a letter to Hamburger, Tess Jaray mentioned that
" [Sebald] carried a book of Japanese haiku when he brought her the first of these texts – one possible clue to the model that Sebald may have had in mind for [his poems], only to play variations on the model in his own fashion"
(Unrecounted, p. 8)

In my first haiku, I allude to Sebald's title poem,

For years now
I've had this
sound in
my ears

It was as if

I was lying
under a low
sky breathing
through the eye
of a needle

W. G. Sebald, For years now


***** Personal Names used in Haiku

. Chen-ou Liu in the GERMAN SAIJIKI




Bonhoeffer Dietrich




Dietrich Bonhoeffer

February 4, 1906 – April 9, 1945

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian and often regarded as martyr by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Church of England, the Church in Wales and the Episcopal Church (USA).

As one of the founding members of the Confessing Church, he actively participated in the German resistance movement against Nazism. His involvement in the plans to kill Adolf Hitler resulted in his execution by hanging in April 1945, 23 days before the Nazis' surrender. His view of Christianity's role in the secular world has become very influential, exerting great influence and inspiration for Christians of different denominations, including figures such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

“The ultimate question for a responsible man to ask is not how he is to extricate himself heroically from the affair, but how the coming generation shall continue to live.”

— Dietrich Bonhoeffer, After Ten Years (December 1942)

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. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
ディートリヒ ボンヘッファー


Haiku and Senryu

Bonhoeffer Lecture…
Can I find God of the gaps
among summer stars

Chen-ou Liu

As a founding member of the Confessing Church that opposed the ideology of the Nazi regime in its entirety, Dietrich Bonhoeffer not only talked the talk, but also walked the walk.

In 1933 lecture, “The Church and the Jewish Question,” he spoken about the possibility that the church, “not just bandage the victims under the wheel, but rather break the spokes of the wheel itself.”

He was jailed in April 1943 for plotting to kill Hitler, and was subsequently hanged in April 1945, 23 days before the Nazis' surrender.

Bonhoeffer's life as a pastor and theologian who lived as he preached has influenced Christians of different denominations and generations, and his view of God of the gaps, one that sees God as existing in the gaps or aspects of reality, has evoked the heated debates among Christian theologians and scholars in sociology of religion.

For further information, read the Wikipedia article entitled
God of the gaps


***** Personal Names used in Haiku

. Chen-ou Liu in the GERMAN SAIJIKI




Kafka Franz




Franz Kafka カフカ フラン

3 July 1883 – 3 June 1924

was a culturally influential German-language novelist. Contemporary critics and academics regard Kafka as one of the best writers in the 20th century. The term "Kafkaesque" has become part of the English vernacular.
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. Franz Kafka


Haiku and Senryu

Franz Kafka ...
the missing person
in my ebay cart

Heike Gewi, Yemen


a cockroach crawls
through Franz Kafka for Dummies...
first day of spring

Chen-ou Liu, Canada


kikurage ya kafuka no mimi no togarikata

judas-ears -
the pointed ears of

Nakagami Tetsuo 中上哲夫

. kikurage 木耳 (きくらげ) Jew's-ear; Judas-ear  
kigo for mid-summer

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***** Personal Names used in Haiku

. Chen-ou Liu in the GERMAN SAIJIKI  



Heidegger Martin




Martin Heidegger

ハイデッガー / 「存在と時間」

September 26, 1889 – May 26, 1976

An influential German philosopher known for his existential and phenomenological explorations of the "question of Being." His best-known book,
Being and Time (German title: Sein und Zeit), is considered to be one of the most important philosophical works of the 20th century and he has been influential beyond philosophy, in literature, psychology, and artificial intelligence. Heidegger remains controversial due to his involvement with Nazism and statements in support of Adolf Hitler.

Being and Time
published in 1927, is Heidegger's first academic book. He had been under pressure to publish in order to qualify for Husserl's chair at University of Freiburg and the success of this work ensured his appointment to the post.

It investigates the question of being by asking about the being for whom being is a question. Heidegger names this being Dasein , and the book pursues its investigation through themes such as mortality, anxiety, temporality, and historicity. It was Heidegger's original intention to write a second half of the book, consisting of a "Destruktion" of the history of philosophy—that is, the transformation of philosophy by re-tracing its history—but he never completed this project.
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Zen Master Dogen's views on being-time

"The roots and stems, branches and leaves, blossoms and fruits, luster and color of the flowers in the sky are all the blooming of the flowers in the sky.
Sky flowers also produce sky fruits and give out sky seeds.
It is this true characteristic of all things.
It is this flower characteristic of all things.
All things, ultimately unfathomable, are flowers and fruits in the sky."
"Flowers in the Sky," Cleary, p. 72.

Dogen's views on being and time are found in his seminal essay
"The Time-Being" or "Existence-Time" or "Uji."

"The way the self arrays itself is the form of the entire world.
See each thing in this entire world as a moment of time. ...
Grass-being, form-being are both time. "
- "Moon in a Dewdrop," p. 77.
Translated by Dan Welch and Kazuaki Tanahashi.

. . Notes about "Flowers in the Sky."
Michael P. Garofalo



. Martin Heidegger


Haiku and Senryu

by Chen-ou Liu

cherry blossoms falling...
Heidegger's Being and Time
emerges in my mind

Best-known for his "existential and phenomenological explorations of the "question of Being, '" Martin Heidegger was one of the most influential German philosophers. And his Being and Time, is often regarded as one of the foundational texts for 20th-century philosophy. The book is "an exploration of the meaning of being as defined by temporality. . . It is an analysis of time as a horizon for the understanding of being."

. . . . .

Heidegger once spent time attempting to translate the Tao Te Ching (or Dao De Jing, whose authorship is attributed to Laozi) into German, working with his Chinese student Paul Shih-yi Hsaio. Professor Hsaio detailed this experience in his essay entitled
"Heidegger and Our Translation of the Tao te Ching,"
which was collected in Heidegger and Asian thought, pp. 93-104.

midsummer dream:
Heidegger and Laozi chit chat
over wulong tea


Heidegger also knew about haiku.

..... and the writings of the seventeenth-century Japanese Zen poet Matsuo Basho also had a major impact on the development of Heidegger’s world view.

Haiku by Matsuo Basho, and the translation of Heidegger

mugimeshi ni yatsururu koi ka neko no tsuma

Warum schreit die kleine Katze?
War der Brei ihr nicht sanft?
Oder ist sie verliebt?

Fur die Katzen-Zunft Messkirch
Am 21. Februar 1954 / Martin Heidegger

(Heidegger was born in Messkirch.
He translated the haiku for the cat association of his hometown.)

. . . . .

Has it been from love as well as barley rice
that it has grown so scrawny?
cat's mate.
. Tr. Barnhill

. more about : Heidegger and Asian thought
By Graham Parkes

Martin Heidegger once published a dialogue with
九鬼 周造 Kuki Shuzo which can be found in English in the book
On the Way to Language
(Aus einem Gespräch von der Sprache).


***** Personal Names used in Haiku

. Chen-ou Liu in the GERMAN SAIJIKI



Kueng Hans




Hans Küng

March 19, 1928 -

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Reverend Father Hans Küng (born March 19, 1928, in Sursee, Canton of Lucerne), is a Swiss Catholic priest, controversial theologian, and prolific author. Since 1995 he has been President of the Foundation for a Global Ethic (Stiftung Weltethos). Küng is "a Catholic priest in good standing", but the Vatican has rescinded his authority to teach Catholic theology. Though he had to leave the Catholic faculty, he remained at the University of Tübingen as a professor of Ecumenical Theology, serving as Emeritus Professor since 1996. In spite of not being allowed to teach Catholic theology, neither his bishop nor the Holy See has revoked his priestly faculties.

On Being a Christian is Christian theology book published in 1974. In it, Küng described what is common among the various Christian communities and discussed the reasons a person would choose to believe in Christianity. The book focuses on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and the nature of his divinity.
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. Hans Küng


Haiku and Senryu

Jesus' narrow road
once again, reading Hans Küng
on being Christian

Chen-ou Liu

Reverend Father Hans Küng, born March 19, 1928, is an internationally-acclaimed theologian and Emeritus Professor of Ecumenical Theology at the University of Tübingen. In 1962, along with his colleague Joseph Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI), he was appointed as an expert theological advisor to members of the Second Vatican Council. Over the decades, he had constantly run into conflicts with the Roman Catholic Church on some doctrinal issues, which resulted in the Vatican's rescinding his authority to teach Catholic theology.

L1 alludes to Matthew 7:13-14:

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Ls 2&3 refer to Küng's well-known, bulky book
On Being a Christian.

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***** Personal Names used in Haiku

. Chen-ou Liu in the GERMAN SAIJIKI  




Schlink Bernhard




Bernhard Schlink

born 6 July 1944 in Bielefeld

German jurist and writer. He was born in Bethel, Germany, to a German father (Edmund Schlink) and a Swiss mother, the youngest of four children. Both his parents were theology students, although his father lost his job as a Professor of Theology due to the Nazis, and had to settle on being a pastor instead. Bernhard Schlink was brought up in Heidelberg from the age of two. He studied law at West Berlin’s Free University, graduating in 1968.

Schlink became a judge at the Constitutional Court of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia in 1988 and in 1992 a professor for public law and the philosophy of law at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. In January 2006 he retired.
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In 1995 he published The Reader (Der Vorleser)
in the genre of Vergangenheitsbewältigung.
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. Bernhard Schlink


Haiku and Senryu

X on Lecture Notice:
reading and misreading
Schlink's The Reader

Chen-ou Liu

The book portrays how the post-war German generations wrestle with wartime past, confronting the generation who participated in or witnessed the atrocities against the Jews.
Shortly after its publication in the mid-1990s, The Reader became an instant bestseller both in Germany and the USA, and it has been translated into 37 languages. In 2007, it was adapted into a film of the same name. The film was nominated for several major awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture.

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***** Personal Names used in Haiku




Grass Gunter




Günter Grass
Günter Wilhelm Grass, Gunter Grass, Guenter Grass

Ocotber 16, 1927 -

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He was born in the Free City of Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland). In 1945, he came as a refugee to West Germany, but in his fiction he frequently returns to the Danzig of his childhood.

He is best known for his first novel, The Tin Drum, a key text in European magic realism and the first part of his Danzig Trilogy. His works frequently have a left wing, social democrat political dimension, and Grass has been an active supporter of the Social Democratic Party of Germany.
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. Günter Grass


Haiku and Senryu

by Chen-ou Liu

reading Günter Grass...
I see a boy scurrying
backward and forward

Ls 2&3 allude to his 2002 novel, Crabwalk.
The book is a compelling account of the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff in January of 1945, the deadliest maritime disaster in history.

The title, described by Grass as "scuttling backward to move forward, refers to both the necessary reference to various events, some occurring at the same time, the same events that would lead to the eventual disaster."

Crabwalk, published in Germany in 2002
Im Krebsgang
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reading The Tin Drum --
I have a powwow solo
in the attic

The Tin Drum, first book of Danzig Trilogy, is one of the most highly acclaimed novels by Gunter Grass. It’s about a boy named Oskar who refuses to grow older, and who constantly lashes out at anything he dislikes with screams and poundings on his tin drum.


Gunter Grass's tears...
peeling the onion off
one layer at a time

The poem alludes to Gunter Grass’s 2006 memoir entitled Peeling the Onion. In the book, he shocked Germany and the readers around the word by confessing that “as a youth, late in World War II, he had served in the Nazi Waffen SS.”

The image of peeling the onion also makes a thematic allusion to Chapter 42, The Onion Cellar, of Grass’s most-read novel, The Tin Drum.

"But there was neither a bar nor a menu in the Onion Cellar. There was only one thing served in the club. Schmuh would don a silk shawl, disappear, and reappear with a basket on his arm. He would hand out cutting boards, shaped like either pigs or fish, to the customers, then paring knives. Then, he would hand each person an ordinary onion. At the signal, the customers would peel, then cut into the onions. The onions would make their eyes begin to water ...

‘.... it is not true that when the heart is full the eyes necessarily overflow, some people can never manage it, especially in our century, which in spite of all the suffering and sorrow will surely be known to posterity as the tearless century. It was this drought, this tearlessness that brought those who could afford it to Schmuh's Onion Cellar, where the host handed them a little cutting board - pig or fish - a pairing knife for eighty pfennigs, and for twelve marks an ordinary, field-, garden-, and kitchen-variety onion, and induced them to cut their onions smaller and smaller until the juice - what did the onion juice do?

It did what the world and the sorrows of the world could not do: it brought forth a round, human tear. It made them cry. At last they were able to cry again. To cry properly, without restraint, to cry like mad. The tears flowed and washed everything away. The rain came. The dew. Oskar has a vision of floodgates opening. Of dams bursting in the spring floods. What is the name of that river that overflows every spring and the government does nothing to stop it?’"
(p. 525)

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***** Personal Names used in Haiku




Chen-ou Liu




Chen-ou Liu

Confessions of A Germanophile

First and foremost, I confess I am a Germanophile who can’t read German, but who is willing to do his best to read anything about German literature, cinema, philosophy, theology,... etc.

Why? It’s because I’m a person who is intensely interested in reflective thoroughness. According to Slovenian continental philosopher Slavoj Žižek, “Hegel was among the first to interpret the geographic triad of Germany-France-England as expressing three different existential attitudes: German reflective thoroughness, French revolutionary hastiness, English moderate utilitarian pragmatism.”
(By the way, I don’t like Žižek’s use of a toilet analogy to describe these three existential attitudes)

In the 1990s, one of the most tumultuous and ideologically charged eras in the Taiwanese history, everything was easily reduced to support for or opposition to Taiwan Independence. Through reading and living in an identity-seeking society at the time, my worldview was influenced by European existentialism, postcolonial literature, and Taiwan native soil literature, a literary movement that arose in opposition to both mainland-centered governmental geopolitics and the West-oriented modernist movement. I constantly asked myself the following questions: in what contexts were my identities situated? What kind of life would I like to live fully?

I stared reading the Bible, Bible commentaries, and theologies for and against the Bible. Eventually, I found out that any account of the development of modern theology has been largely centered on Germany and on those most influenced by German-language theology and philosophy.
(For further information, read The Modern Theologians: An Introduction To Christian Theology Since 1918, edited by David F Ford Rachel Muers, pp. 1-16)

My love affairs with Germany began with my reading of theological writings by Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Hans Küng, later I studied their philosophical/literary roots, then slipped and fell into the magic net of New German Cinema . . .

The haiku/senryu posted here are my story poems that narrate my captivity among these German giants


Short Biography:

Chen-ou Liu was born in Taiwan and emigrated to Canada in 2002. He lives in a suburb of Toronto, where he continues to struggle with a life in transition and translation.

Chen-ou Liu is the author of the forthcoming book, entitled Ripples from a Splash: A Collection of Essays on Haiku with Award-Winning Haiku, and a contributing writer for Rust+Moth. His poetry has been published and anthologized worldwide. His tanka and haiku have been honored with 10 awards, including Grand Prix in the 2010 Klostar Ivanic Haiku Contest in English, 特選 (Prize Winner) in the 12th Haiku International Association Haiku Contest, and Tanka Third Place in the 2009 San Francisco International Haiku, Senryu, Tanka, and Rengay Competition.
Read more of his poems on his poetry blog
Poetry in the Moment


. WKD : Chen-ou Liu - Urban Haiku


. Chen-ou Liu in the World Kigo Database


. Chen-ou Liu in the GERMAN SAIJIKI  




Scholl, Sophie Magdalena Scholl




Sophie Magdalena Scholl

9 May 1921 – 22 February 1943

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Sophia Magdalena Scholl was a German student, active within the White Rose non-violent resistance group in Nazi Germany. She was convicted of high treason after having been found distributing anti-war leaflets at the University of Munich with her brother Hans. As a result, they were both executed by guillotine.

Since the 1970s, Scholl has been celebrated as one of the great German heroes who actively opposed the Third Reich during the Second World War.
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. Sophia Magdalena Scholl

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Die Geschwister Scholl
The Scholl siblings
refers to brother and sister Hans and Sophie Scholl, who were members of the White Rose.
. Geschwister Scholl


Haiku and Senryu

budding white rose...
did Sophie cling to the rope
God threw her?

Chen-ou Liu

According to Dr. Frank McDonough, Sophie Scholl’s religious faith played an important role in her decision to oppose the Nazi regime. “Though she was Lutheran, the White Rose was founded after Scholl and others read a stern anti-Nazi sermon by Cardinal Clemens August Graf von Galen (the "Lion of Münster"), the Roman Catholic Bishop of Münster.”
For further information, please read the Wikipedia entry entitled Sophie Scholl,

Stand up for what you believe in
even if you are standing alone

-- Sophie Scholl

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***** Personal Names used in Haiku

. Chen-ou Liu in the GERMAN SAIJIKI




BACKUP - German Saijiki

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January 2011


............. German Saijiki

Liste Deutscher Jahreszeitenwörter

Ein Deutsches Saijiki / German Saijiki


Frühling Spring

Blumen und Pflanzen: Anemone . Baumblüten (auch in Deutschland besonders die Kirschblüte Cherry Blossoms (sakura, Japan) ), Knospen, Flieder (lilac, Syringa)
Zwiebel- und Knollengewächse (Tulpen Tulip , Narzissen), Maiglöckchen, Waldmeister, Weide, Weidenblüten, Weidenkätzchen

Tiere: Vogellied, Nachtigall, Nestbau (... Spring at the Zoo , also Bird's Nest), Vogelbrut, Frösche (Frog (kawazu, kaeru) , Quaken, Lamm, Kitz, Kalb, Küken, Maikäfer

Natur: Vorfrühling > Altschnee Snow (yuki) , Firnschnee, Schneematsch, Schneeschmelze > Sturzbäche, brüchiges Eis, Wind .. .. .. .. .. WIND in various kigo , hoher Wellengang (im Herbst wie im Frühjahr), Mooreinsamkeit (Frühling und Winter), Föhn (in bergnahen Gebieten) , Gentle breeze, soft breeze, Linde Lüfte

Feste, Feiertage und traditionelle Bräuche: Karfreitag, Ostern Easter , Pfingsten, Walpurgis Night (walpurgisnight) (25.02. oder/und 01.05), Bittgang, Prozession (Fronleichnam Corpus Christi Procession ), Almauftrieb ( Cowbells (Kuhglocken, Germany), Muttertag (2. Sonntag im Mai Mother's Day )


Drüben noch Firnschnee
hier öffnet sich weit dem Blau
die Wolkendecke
(Erica Lauer-Below)

Ein Kirschblütenzweig
aus meines Freundes Garten schmückt
jetzt mein Zimmer

(Rolf Boehm)



Sommer Summer

Blumen und Pflanzen: wogendes Getreidefeld, Beerenernte, Rosen, blühende Bergwiesen, gemähte Wiesen, Bauerngarten, Feldrain, Kräuter, Fülle und Farbigkeit der Natur, Kamille, sattes Grün der Bäume, Baumschatten, rauschende Bäume,Schilf, Rebhänge

Tiere: Insekten > Fliegen, Schmetterling, Bienen Bee (mitsubachi) , Hummeln, Wespen, Grillen, Libellen, Heuschrecken, Leuchtkäfer Fireflies (hotaru) (05) (Japan) , Fische, Schnecken, Eidechsen, Salamander, Vipern.

Natur: Blendender Mond, roter Mond (see .. .. .. .. MOON and its LINKS..), Sonnenglast, flimmernde Hitze, lange Tage, Tautropfen, Gewitter, Regenbogen, Sommersonnenwende, schönste Wolken, Rinnsal
Trockenheit, sonnenverbranntes Feld

Feste, Feiertage und traditionelle Bräuche: Johannisfeuer (24.Juni), Michaelistag (29.September - Spätsommer), Feldbegehung (vor der Ernte), Siebenschläfer (27.Juni), Hundstage Dog Days (doyoo, Japan) (23.Juli - 23.August)
Fronleichnam, Fronleichnamszug
Mai, der Wonnemonat


Blendender Vollmond -
nur sein Licht auf den Wellen
schmerzt nicht das Auge.

(Imma von Bodmershof)

es regnet heute füttert
der Penner Schwäne

(Mario Fitterer)

Regenbogenzeit -
ein Kind hüpft barfuss
durch Pfützen
(Andrea D´Alessandro)


Ein japanische Rosenseite:


Herbst Autumn

Blumen und Pflanzen:
Obsternte (Äpfel, Birnen, Pflaumen), Buntlaub (see Leaf Watching ), Blätterfall (see Fallen leaves (ochiba) , Welklaub, Stoppelfeld, Getreidestoppeln, abgeerntete Felder, leere Felder, Astern, Chrysanthemen (see Chrysanthemum ), Pilze, Kastanien (see Horse Chestnut (Part 2) , Nüsse, Baumfrüchte, Samen von Gräsern und Stauden, Rebhänge
Hagebutte (rose hip)

Tiere: Spinnennetze Spiders , Eichhörnchen, Igel, Hase, Mäuse, Hamster, Heimtreiben der Schafherden, Vogelzug (vor allem in Verbindung mit großen Vögeln wie Gänsen (see Snow Geese ), Schwänen oder Störchen)

Natur: Kalter Wind WIND in various kigo , Sturm, klarer Sternenhimmel, klare Sternbilder, Sternschnuppen (Leoniden Leonid Meteor Shower .. .. Geminid Meteor Shower), schönste Sonnen, Bergzacken (klarste Sicht im Herbst), rötliches Sonnenlicht, hoher Wellengang (im Herbst wie im Frühjahr), Sturm Typhoon (Japan)

Feste und Feiertage und traditionelle Bräuche: Michaelistag (29.September), Winzerfest, Schäferlauf, Stoppelfeld(-lauf), Drachensteigenlassen, Oktoberfest (Germany) , Erntedank, Almabtrieb (see Cowbells (Kuhglocken, Germany) , Allerheiligen (1.November All Saints’ Day .. All Souls’ Day, Hallowe’en), Hubertusjagd (3. November), Mauerfall (9.November), St. Martin (11.November), Martinsgans (11.November)


Stoppelfeldlauf -
ein Schäferhund
geht in Führung

(Andrea D`Alessandro)

Leer sind die Stühle
rings um den Tisch im Garten.
Nur Blätter zu Gast.
(Friedrich Rohde)





Blumen und Pflanzen: Christrose, Weihnachtsstern, Zaubernuss, kahle Bäume, nackte Zweige, dunkle Nadelgehölze, blasses und verdorrtes Gras/Schilf, Misteln (see Mistletoe ), Schneeglöckchen, Krokusse > Winterende

Barbarazweige, Barbara twigs

Tiere: streitende Amseln, hungrige Tiere, Streit um Futter/Körner, Reh, Hasen, Kaninchen, Standvögel, Futterhaus, Futterraufe, Krähen (schwarzes Gefieder, Krächzen , see Crow, Raven karasu (Japan))

Natur: Schnee (see Snow (yuki) Japan) , kalter Mond, Eis, Rauhreif, kurze Tage, farblose Seen, Mooreinsamkeit (Winter und Frühling), Firnschnee Snow (yuki) (Winterende)

Feste und Bräuche: Barbarazweige (4.Dezember), Adventszeit (see Advent) > Kerzenlicht, Vorweihnachtsrummel, Weihnachten (see Christmas ), Silvester (see Last Day of the Year (oomisoka, Japan) > Karpfenessen, Neujahr (see New Year ), Valentinstag (14.Februar, see Valentine’s Day ), Karneval (see Carneval ), Fasching, Fastnacht, Aschermittwoch, Walpurgisnacht Walpurgis Night (walpurgisnight) (25.Februar und/oder in der Nacht zum 01.Mai)

Myrrhe, myrrh

Ankunft = Advent = Geburt Jesus

Ankunft -
Durch Omas Geschichten dringt

Heike Gewi, December 2008, Yemen


die Halbmondsichel
wetzt ihre blanke Schneide
am vereisten Turm
(Richard W. Heinrich)

die weißen Reiher,
über den Altschnee segelnd,
warten aufs Mondlicht
(Carl Heinz Kurz)

unterm Apfelbaum
so viele Spuren im Schnee,
und schon die Knospen

(Horst Ludwig, 2001)


Namen des Mondes, names of the moon

Januar: Hartmond, Eismond, Schneemond, Wolfsmond
Februar: Narrenmond, Schmelzmond, Taumond
März: Frühlingsmond
April: Ostermond
Mai: Weidemond, Wonnemond, Marienmond
Juni: Brachmond, Rosenmond
Juli: Heumond
August: Erntemond, Sichelmond
September: Herbstmond
Oktober: Weinmond, Dachsmond
November: Nebelmond, Wintermond, Windmond
Dezember: Julmond, Christmond, Heiligmond, Wolfsmond, Schlachtmond

(see more about kigo and .. .. .. .. MOON and its LINKS..)



Allgemeine Links zum Brauchtum:

Ein Spielfilm über den Wechsel der Jahreszeiten:

Ganz besonders zu empfehlen ist für alle Haiku-Autoren die Seite:
Dort ist wirklich alles zu finden, was man sich zu den deutschen Jahreszeitenwörtern nur wünschen kann.


Feste aller Monate


Copy from ...

"Phänologie, oder einfacher der Naturkalender, ist eines der lohnendsten und interessantesten Kapitel für alle, die sich für und an der Natur begeistern können. Beobachtungen und resultierende Erfahrungen sind fast unerschöpflich.

Kein Jahr gleicht dem anderen, sagt man. Das hat seine Berechtigung. Trotzdem rennen wir bei den ersten warmen Sonnenstrahlen im Frühling hinaus in den Garten, um schon mal die Gartengeräte bereitzustellen. Am 21. März ist zwar Frühlingsanfang, es muss aber noch lange kein Frühling sein, denn 6 Wochen Differenz zwischen den Vegetationszuständen in verschiedenen Jahren sind keine Seltenheit. Es kann fatale Folgen haben, wenn man sich z. B. nur nach den Aussaatzeiten der Samenpackungen richtet, ohne dabei die Natur zu beobachten. Sehr viel verlässlicher als der altbekannte Kalender mit 4 Jahreszeiten in den 12 Monaten ist der »Naturkalender«, denn für Pflanzen ist die Tageslänge und die Temperatur entscheidend und nicht das Datum.

In vielen geographisch wärmeren Gegenden haben die verschiedenen Jahreszeiten ihren Rhythmus, von einem Tag zum anderen wird es dauerhaft warm, Frühjahrsstürme und Regenzeiten sind relativ pünktlich. Bei uns, in Mitteleuropa, ist das nicht so. Länger anhaltende Hochdruckgebiete sind in der Regel eine Ausnahme, und die zuverlässigste Wetterlage finden wir im Herbst, aber auch das nicht jedes , Jahr. Genauer sind hier die Naturbeobachtungen.

Das Jahreszeitempfinden die Schneeglöckchen und Weidenblüte, Löwenzahnblüte, erntende Maschinen, reife Früchte und fallendes Herbstlaub ausgelöst, und ist von Ort zu Ort und Jahr zu Jahr zeitlich völlig unterschiedlich. Jede Jahreszeit hat in der Natur ihren eigenen, unverwechselbaren Charakter und ihr eigenes Gesicht, die sich in den typischen »Kennpflanzen« widerspiegeln, die uns ihrerseits Rückschlüsse auf das Klima in der unmittelbaren Umgebung geben. Ob die Jahreszeiten in der Natur ihre Optima erreicht haben, verrät uns nicht der Kalender, sondern nur die Natur selbst. Diese »Eintrittszeiten« sind von Ort zu Ort verschieden. In 50 km Entfernung erfreut uns schon die Apfelbaumblüte, wobei vor Ort erst die ersten grünen Knospen zu sehen sind. Wer sich nach den Naturkalender richtet und zudem noch das Wetter beobachtet, kann im Garten eigentlich kaum mehr Fehler machen."


Edited by Andrea D`Alessandro
January 2005
Photos by Andrea D`Alessandro


... ... ... Deutsche Kigo in der Wikipedia


A new German Saijiki Project, started in 2005

"Mit dem japanischen Wort fudo (風土 fuudo) wörtlich 'Wind und Erde') ist die natürliche Umwelt eines bestimmten Landes gemeint, nämlich sein Klima, sein Wetter, die geologische und produktive Beschaffenheit seines Bodens, seine topographischen und landschaftlichen Charakteristika." So leitet Watsuji Tetsuro sein 1935 in Japan erschienenes Werk "Fudo - Wind und Erde" ein (Watsuji Tetsuro, Fudo - Wind und Erde, Der Zusammenhang zwischen Klima und Kultur, Darmstadt 1992, S. 6).

Das Saijiki-Projekt startet als erstes Literaturprojekt auf einer neuen Internet Literatur-Plattform. Der hamburger Haiku Verlag hat sich an der Entwicklung dieser Plattform '' beteiligt. Dort bestehen die allerbesten Voraussetzungen, um ein solches Projekt zu präsentieren. In dem Projektteil sind Haiku-Interessierte eingeladen Vorschläge für Jahreszeitenworte einzureichen.

. Deutsches Saijiki .

Read more about Watsuji Tetsuroo 和辻哲郎



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Bargain Sales


Bargain Sales

***** Location: Europe, Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Humanity


Sales (English), soldes (French)

Sommerschlussverkauf (German)


In most countries of Europe, shops have strictly regulated times when they may release regular goods at cut prices. These are usually towards the middle of winter and summer, respectively.

Thus, the winter sales start soon after Christmas or New Year's Day, and the summer sales take place in July, just before people head off for their holidays.

The opening of the sales is often accompanied by some particularly attractive bargains, for which people in many cities (e.g. Dublin, London) are prepared to queue and wait on the pavements for several days prior to the opening moment. There is a huge rush to reach the desired object, which, if valuable, may have been reduced in price by several hundred Euro. Items are reduced by up to (and sometimes over) 50 percent. In Ireland, some shops may even adopt a policy of reducing all items by 10 percent as well as giving larger concessions on those items specifically in the Sale.

Some factories may sell slightly damaged or imperfect items to the public once or twice a year in a sale which attracts the local public and boosts their public image. Such factory sales are very popular in Ireland, though less frequent now that much production has been globalised.

In Belgium, only a minority of items are reduced for the Sales -- the shops also take the opportunity of restocking with new season items which they sell at normal prices to the crowds of customers attracted by the reductions.

Isabelle Prondzynski

CLICK for more photos

Worldwide use


kigo for mid-summer

. chuugen uridashi 中元売出(ちゅうげんうりだし)
bargain sail for mid-year presents

. hatsu uridashi 初売出し(はつうりだし)first bargain sales
kigo for the New Year


. Ebisu markets and bargain sales


New Zealand, Australia, UK

. Boxing Day  
December 26

Things found on the way

In 1923 Mitsukoshi in Nihonbashi had
bargain sales of the canned meat.
Yamato-ni 大和煮 simmered meat of wild animals


winter bargain sale -
she does not even like
the color

Gabi Greve, 2004

Related words







Lilac Flieder


Lilac (Flieder)

***** Location: Germany, Europa
***** Season: Spring
***** Category: Plant


Flieder (lilac)

CLICK for more photos


Syringa (Lilac)
is a genus of about 20–25 species of flowering plants in the olive family (Oleaceae). Although considered to be a tree, it is classified as a bush, native to eastern Europe and western Asia.

Lilacs are popular shrubs in parks and gardens throughout the temperate zone.

The genus name Syringa is derived from syrinx meaning a hollow tube or pipe, and refers to the broad pith in the shoots in some species, easily hollowed out to make reed pipes and flutes in early history.

A pale purple colour is generally known as lilac after the flower.

Lilacs symbolize love.
In Greece, Lebanon, and Cyprus, the lilac is strongly associated with Eastertime because it flowers around that time; it is consequently called paschalia.

Syringa vulgaris is the state flower of New Hampshire, because it "is symbolic of that hardy character of the men and women of the Granite State".

"When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd"
is a poem written by Walt Whitman as an elegy to Abraham Lincoln.

Numerous locations around North America hold yearly Lilac Festivals, the longest-running of which is the one in Rochester, New York.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Der Gemeine Flieder (Syringa vulgaris)
© More in the German WIKIPEDIA !

Worldwide use


kigo for late spring

rairakku ライラック (らいらっく)lilac
rira no hana リラの花(りらのはな)
murasaki hoshidoi 紫丁香花(むらさきはしどい) violet Hashidoi

Things found on the way


A four-fold lilac
blossom on unfurled buds -
promises to keep

Michael R. Collings
Happy Haiku Forum 2007


Lilacs damp with dew,
Beautiful fragrance scents breeze
and brings memories.

L. Lee Scott, 2007


alex serban lilac

Haiga by Alex Serban
Romania, April 2010


leading the blind
to a bench ...
purple lilac

white lilac
standing alone by the road
an old man lifts his hat

Heike Gewi
Kigo Hotline April 2010

Related words

***** Plants of Spring ... SAIJIKI


beside the sparrow
only the fragrance
of a lilac blossom

- Shared by Sandi Pray -
Joys of Japan, 2012


