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- - - Gabi Greve
Alphabetical Index of the World Kigo Database
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ENTRY: Submitting your Entry for a Kigo
Seasons and Categories Learn the Basics of World Kigo
Basic Haiku Theories
................. . Copyright Policy .
Gateway to the European Union
.......................... Culture
Euro-Haiku by David Cobbhttp://www.inpressbooks.co.uk/eurohaiku_david_cobb_i018739.aspx
. Christian Celebrations and Kigo
Kigo originating in Europe
can be roughly classified in the following way
spring : march, april, may
summer : june, july, august
autumn : september, october, november
winter : december, january, feburary
.......................... Countries in alphabetical order
Balkan Region
Haiku pages from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro
Balkany, by Norman Darlington
Haikoe Centrum Vlaanderen (HCV)
Willy Vande Walle
BELGIUM in the WKD -
Belgian National Day - (Fête nationale de la Belgique)
. Brussels lace .
Matonge Festival
Carless Sunday, Car Free Day
Neuville War Cemetary Belgium
Queen's Day
. WKD : Belgium .
Bulgarian Haiku Club
Bulgarian Haiku Club at Aozora
................. Poets in 2006
Nenni Ballina - Нени Балина
Ginka Biliarska - Гинка Билярска
Omilla-Tsveta Djagarova
Hristo Paunov Ke Pella
Kunka Radeva
Ginka Biliarska
Haiku from Bulgaria
Collection of the Europa Saijiki
Bulgarische Haiku zwischen Ost und West
Ginka Biliarska
by Petar Tchouhov
Shamrock Shamrock Haiku Journal, Issue 4, 2007.
Karolina Rijecka - Haiku Society (Rijeka)http://www.blogger.com/www.karolina-rijecka.com
Welcome to the Web Pages of the Croatian haiku poets association
Dobrodošli na stranice društva Hrvatskih haiku pjesnika
Haiku Society Rijeka was founded in Rijeka in 2000 with the aim of popularizing haiku poetry in this part of Croatia and in the world.
Haiku poets Siniša Posarić, Borivoj Bukva, Žarko Milenić and Ph. Dr. Jadran Zalokar established the Society. This Society organized traditional international haiku poets gatherings in Rijeka. Haiku poets from Rijeka have established collaborations with other Croatian haiku associations as well as with the world ones.
The first president of the Haiku Society Rijeka is Ph. Dr. Jadran Zalokar.
The Association of Croatian Haiku Poets
Društvo hrvatskih haiku pjesnika
Višnji McMaster

Dina Franin
Iz zbirke
" U plavetnom beskraju / In blue infinity"
Darko Plažanin (1957-2009) lived in Samobor (a town near Zagreb).
Tomorrow is a haiku meeting - Samobor haiku meeting - "Samoborski haiku susreti" named now by its founder: Samoborski susreti "Darko Plažanin".
It is a local, a nacional and an international meeting and it has its history of 20 years.
Tomislav Maretic (March 2013)
. WKD : Klopotec - wind-clapper .
Denmark - デンマーク
. Danmark - Dänemark .
France, Frankreich
Saijiki in French <> Saijiki francais. Créé par Laurent Mabesoone
ABC ... Index
... ... ... Le Saijiki du printemps en francais
... ... ... Le Saijiki de l'ete en francais
... ... ... Le Saïjiki de l'automne en français
... ... ... Le Saijiki de l'hiver en francais
Nekojita, Paris
Japanese Haiku in French Translations
KIGO in French and Japanese
Poésie: Haïku
Association Française de Haiku
Association pour la Promotion du Haïku
Francis Tugaye
les kigos (mot de saison)
Saijiki Francophone
(started 2008)
Nous envisageons deux catégories de kigo :
- le kigo classique, porté par la tradition et illustré par des auteurs japonais anciens ;
- le kigo moderne, porté par des auteurs contemporains francophones, qu'ils soient blogonautes ou non.
Ce blog est géré par 3 administrateurs [initiales ou pseudonyme slt]:
kuri, neko, zz
. Paris Festival (Parisai 巴里祭) .
kigo for late summer
GERMAN Saijiki, World Kigo Database Deutsches Saijiki
Hamburger Haiku-Team:
Eindeutiger Bezug zu einer Jahreszeit durch Verwendung eines Jahreszeitenwortes (kigo)
Um dieses Kriterium gab und gibt es immer wieder Dispute, nicht nur bei uns, sondern auch in Japan. Jedoch sollte man das Setzen des Jahreszeitenthemas als Chance und als Hilfe begreifen, nicht als Einschränkung. Die lyrische Kürzestform hat sich nur entwickeln können, weil die Bedingungen für Imagination und Assoziationen mit einem Wort, dem Thema, gesetzt waren. Erst das kigo, das kidai schafft den Freiraum für den Dichter, in den restlichen ca. 2 ½ Zeilen das wirklich Wichtige, das Bedeutende und vor allem, das Neue zu sagen.
Kurz gesagt: Die Kurzform braucht Konventionen.http://www.haiku.de/haiku2/navi/indexframe3_kriterien.html
Seit einiger Zeit arbeitet dieses Team am Aufbau eines deutschsprachigen saijiki (Jahreszeitenlexikon) .
Deutsche Haiku Gesellschaft eVhttp://haiku-dhg.kulturserver.de/
Haiku heute
Hamburger Haiku-Verlag (HHV)
Deutsche Haiku-Links / German Haiku LINKS
Der Sperling . Haiku Magazin
Hubertus Thum
. . . . . WKD : PROJEKT SPERLING April 2007
Gesammelt von Claudia Brefeld
LINKS : Japan: Haiku
Great Britain, England, Wales
The British Haiku Society was founded in 1990.
The BHS is pioneering the appreciation and writing of haiku in the UK, and has links also with similar organisations throughout the world.
There are currently approx. 300 members, four-fifths of whom live in the UK.
Members receive for their subscriptions the Society journal, Blithe Spirit, a newsletter called The Brief, a Members Address List, use of the Society's library (postal loans possible), various other occasional papers, and a vote at the AGM and biennial committee elections. Periodically members receive invitations to specially organised events, such as discussion groups, workshops and haiku walks, with a national conference held every year.
Our efforts in the fields of literature and education were recognised in 1996 by a Japan Festival Award (second place in tandem with Sadlers Wells Opera) the first prize being won by the British Museum.
The British Haiku Society
English Seasonal Images:
An Almanac of Haiku Season Words Pertinent to England
English saijiki. Book Review only
by David Cobb, 2004
The Iron Book of British Haikuby David Cobb
source : www.inpressbooks.co.uk
Haiku Edited by David Cobb,
pub: The British Museum Press
David Cobb - Equinox Presshttp://www.thomcobb.f2s.com/davidcobb/
. . . . .
WKD . "May Day" in England
The Welsh Poetry Competition 2010
. WKD : Season Words from England
WKD . Placenames in Haiku from Ireland and England
Greece, Griechenland
Zoe Savina
Honorary Member of the Yugoslav Haiku Association
WKD - Demosthenes
Holland, the Netherlands
World Haiku Festival Holland, Leeuwarden
12-14 September 2003
An updated version of the 'Haiku in the Netherlands and Flanders'
has recently been published on the site of the Deutsche Haiku Gesellschaft.
Dutch Queen's Day, April 30
Bart Mesotten
the father of haiku poetry in Flanders
Herman Van Rompuy
President of the European Council
Már 1000 költő és műfordító több mint 25 000 haikuverse magyarul!
More : Haiku fórumok
Szerkeszti: Terebess Gábor
Haiku poetry in Hungary, Essay by Judit Vihar
Haiku from Hungary Collection of the Europa Saijiki
Read all the details here please:
WKD : Ireland Saijiki, Irish Saijiki
Haiku & Zen
Italian Haiku-form
by Ronald A Pavellas
LINKS : Poesia: Haiku
Concorso internazionale di poesia Haikuin lingua italiana, 2009
mėgėjiški haiku sau ir neabejingiems
amateur haiku for myself and loving people
Ričardas BLOG
„ Haiku Vilniui“
„ 4th World Haiku Association Conference“
Haiku News from Latviya 9.2007
Haiku Sighs of Nikola Madzirov, 2003
“Asphalt, but Sky”
When the writer feels that the time has come to cleanse the spirit, to cast off the burden from the complicated, theoretic and intellectual western aesthetics, then it is time for haiku.
“Haiku is natural as breathing. Inhale-exhale. That is the time interval of one haiku. The time spent for one human sigh, the basic inborn reason and consequence for life. Once inhaled, the haiku requires a repetition, which results in poetical human sighs gathered in a collection of haiku songs, which is later recreated, with an intention to multiply the human sighs that wait to be sung”, Viktor Sikov states about the book.
As Aleksandar Prokopiev says, each person, and especially the haiku poet, owns a device for reading of thoughts and feelings, although sometimes the haiku can be born even with closed eyes. “Nikola Madzirov, undoubtedly owns that gift. He is capable of selecting the situations and experiences that preserve their core in 17 syllables, seen with a natural and smart view”.
Aleksandar Prokopiev, Macedonia
Aleksandar Prokopiev
Magazyn i forum twórców haiku po polsku
Grzegorz Sionkowski about the Haiku Situation in Poland
LINKS : Poezja: Haiku
. Portugal ポルトガル .
ROMANIA Saijiki, World Kigo Database
Romanian Haiku Society (founded in 1991)
Florin Vasiliu, President
Revista Societatii de HAIKU din Constanta
Ion Codrescu
Romanian Poetry in Romanian, English, French, German, Swedish, Portuguese and Spanish
Poeţi Romanesi :
Poeţi Clasici, Poeţi Contemporani
Romanian P o e t r y
Tudor Arghezi, Lucian Blaga, George Cosbuc, Mihai Eminescu, Adrian Paunescu
Romanian Journal for Japanese Studies
Romanian KuKai - ROKU -
set up at 25 February 2007
three sites for seasonal creations:
Romanian Kukai - Update November 2007
Romanian Haiku - Yahoo Group
211. Cezar Florin Ciobica
212. Corneliu Traian Atanasiu
213. Cornel C. Costea
214. Petru-Ioan Garda
215. Ildiko Juverdeanu
Das Haiku in Rumänien
Ioana Dinescu
In meinem Land gibt es einen Spruch, der sehr treffend das Wesen der rumänischen Mentalität beschreibt:
Wo zwei Rumänen zusammenkommen, da entstehen sogleich drei Parteien – die sich gegenseitig bekämpfen!
source : Deutscher Aufsatz
Haiku BLOG by Ioana Dinescu
Haiku-ind · Haiku si imagin - Yahoo Group
# 11 - 13
Interview with Petre
De data aceasta, Flueraşu Petre ne rezervă plăcerea de a citi un interviu luat uneia din cele mai importante personalităţi din lumea haiku-ului, Gabi Greve, de naţionalitate germană, trăind însă de 30 de ani în Japonia. Traducerea în română este urmată de originalul în limba engleză.
Interviu cu Gabi Greve
Russian on-line magazine "Ulitka"
The on-line magazine ULITKA (the SNAIL), published both in Russian and in English, is dedicated to the entire variety of haikai genres, predominantly to the haiku poetry. The main objective of the magazine is to familiarize its readers with the selected works of the Russian-speaking poets, as well as with the works of the most interesting authors writing in other languages.
We also plan to publish reviews, essays, critical and research articles on subjects related to haikai.

Интернет-журнал УЛИТКА, выходящий на русском и английском языках, ориентирован на современное многообразие жанров искусства хайкай, и прежде всего на поэзию хайку. Основная цель издания - знакомить читателя с творчеством русскоязычных поэтов, а также с произведениями наиболее интересных авторов, пишущих на других языках.
Редакция планирует также публиковать обзорные, критические, теоретические статьи и эссе на темы хайкай.
...................... Editors of ULITKA
Dmitry Kudrya Владислав Васильев
Alexander Kudryashov
Natalia Levy
Natalia Sedenkova
Vladislav Vassiliev
Elina Vitomskaya
January 2006
Хайкумена Рунета
Russian Haiku
by Eugene Wasserstrom
source : simply haiku 2005
. Russian haiku from this BLOG .
haiku in scots (with english versions adjacent)
John McDonald
Haiku Scotland
Serbian Haiku Society
Dejan Bogojevic
Haiku Reality
Haiku Associations and Clubs in Serbia:
. Haiku udruženja i klubovi u Srbiji
Haiku Club "Shiki", Francuska 7, 11000 Belgrade,
President: Milenko D. Cirovic Ljuticki
Founded in 1992.
Haiku Club "Aleksandar Nejgebauer", 21000 Novi Sad
President: Ljiljana Petrovic
Founded in 1993.
Haiku Association of Serbia and Montenegro (HASMN),
Francuska 7, 11000 Belgrade
President: Milenko D. Cirovic Ljuticki
Founded in 1999.
"Haiku novine" /"Haiku Newspaper"/
Editor: Dragan J. Ristic
Ljubomira Nikolića 148/10, 18000 Nis
"Listak" /"Leaflet"/
Editor: Bogdanka Stojanovski
1300 kaplara 1, 21000 Novi Sad
"Lotos" /"Lotos"/
Editor: Dejan Bogojevic,
14202 Rajkovic, Valjevo
"Ljubicica" /"Violet"/
Editor: Ljubinka Tosic
Nemanjina 33, 31000 Uzice
"Maslacak" /"Dandelion"/
Editor: Bogoljub T. Mihajlovic
Bulevar Nemanjica 20/38, 18000 Nis
"Osvit" /"Daybreak"/ (HASMN's magazine)
Editor: Milenko D. Cirovic Ljuticki
Pante Tutundzica 7/st. 2, 11070 Belgrade
"Paun" /"Peacock"/
Editor: Milijan Despotovic
Brace Lekovica 9, p. fah. 29, 31210 Pozega
"Skoljka" /"Shell"/
Editor: Nelica Ivanovic
Jovana Tomasevica 7, 81000 Podgorica
Vladike Cirica 12/, 21000 Novi Sad
"Vesnik" /"Herald"/ (HASMN's bulletin)
Editor: Milenko D. Cirovic Ljuticki
Pante Tutundzica 7/st. 2, 11070 Belgrade
by Dimitar Anakiev
Serbia National Day ... and Haiku
February 15
Scandinavian Haiku / Essay
by By Helga Härle
Recently, the Swedish Haiku Society published its first all-swedish anthology of haiku, "Haiku.Förvandlingar" (Haiku.Transformations).
Haiku Club of Slovenia was founded in September 1997. It currently numbers about 50 members.
HCS issues the literary magazine "LETNI ČASI" / "Seasons" twice a year (June & November).
Alenka Zorman, Ljubljana
Haiku Drustvo Slovenije / Slovenian Haiku Association
Joze Volaric
BLOG of Borut Zupancic, Lubljana
. Ladybird Haiku .
BLOG of Polona Oblak, Lubljana
Southeast Europe
....................................... Aozora
is an international project between haiku poets, societies and magazines from the South-east Europe.
Haiku Clubs and associations
Haiku Magazines
First European Haiku Meeting in Bad Nauheim (Germany)
Aozora Team :
Jasminka Nadaskic Diordievic, SB
Zoran Doderovic, SB
Serge Tome, BE
Alenka Zorman, SL
The Anthology of Southeastern European Haiku Poetry
by Jim Kacian and Dimitar Anakiev
Red Moon Press
Book Description
This seminal volume is the first collection of contemporary haiku from the war-torn Balkans available in English. Over 2500 poems in 23 languages were considered and translated to arrive at this volume featuring 125 poets and nearly 200 poems. The volume also marks the movement of poets away from Japanese models to a more contemporary and international style of writing.
About the Authors
Dimitar Anakiev is a poet and chess master living in Slovenia. He edits the haiku journal "Green Apples" and is widely published, mainly in Serbian. Jim Kacian is current editor of "Frogpond," the international journal of the Haiku Society of America. He is also editor in chief of the best-selling Red Moon Haiku Anthology series, and is the author of 4 books of haiku.
Amazon co jp
. Asociación Navarra de Haiku - ANAKU
Spanish Haiku from Paraguay
LINKS : Poesía: Haiku
The Swedish Haiku Society Svenska Haiku Sällskapet
The Swedish Haiku Society, a non-profit association, was established on 7 October 1999 in Stockholm.
Kai Falkman, President of the Swedish Haiku Society
The Swedish Haiku Society plans to organize the Second European Haiku Conference in the medieval town of Vadstena 8-10 June 2007.
The Swedish Haiku Society hopes that many haiku poets from Europe will come to the conference as well as some special guests from Japan and USA.
Swedish Haiku
Anders Österling's review of Asatoro Miyamori's A anthology of Haiku ancient and modern in the daily Svenska Dagbladet (1933) was probably the first broader Swedish presentation of the genre. Österling gave a vivid description of "the shortest poem of the world" where he confessed not being too familiar with the subject. He mentions how the Japanese sense of humour makes him feel unsure - it can be hard to tell the serious from the fun in a poem where "the smile is so fleeting and discreet".
In 1959 the first edition of classical Japanese Haiku in Swedish translation appeared Haiku. Japansk miniatyrlyrik - thanks to the Romanian musician and translator Jan Vintilescu.
In 1961 the Swedish poet Bo Setterlind published a collection of short, haiku-inspired poems Några ord att fästa på siden. He was the first of several renown Swedish authors to show an active interest in haiku.
The next collection of Swedish haiku though, was to be written by a diplomat: the UN: s Secretary General, Dag Hammarsköld. After the plane crash that killed him the in Kongo in 1961, one found a manuscript entitled Vägmärken that was published in 1963: a diary-form collection of notes, observations and haiku verses. (Auden's not too faithful translation entitled Markings appeared in 1964).
Since japanologist Lars Vargö, editor of the Swedish Haiku Society's magazine Haiku, did publish Japansk haiku. Världens kortaste diktform, Swedish readers also have access to a comprehensive work that opens for a deeper understanding of what haiku really is about. Including translations of some three hundred modern Japanese haiku this book that appeared in 2003 not only introduces history and definitions, but also gives some clues to contemporary Japanese developments.
Read more here:
Kaj Falkman and Helga Härle
Stockholm, May 2005
Yugoslav Haiku Association
Grass and Heaven
Jasminka Nadaskic Diordievic
Good Old Europe !
all the roads lead
to Rome
Multilingual Haiku Magazine
Lishanu - an interlingual haikai journal
source : lishanu.com
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